Monday, April 21, 2008

Jesus is the Only Way to God

I understand that there are some new teachers out there trying to push some old ideas that are just as false as they were in the 60's during the "dawning of the age of Aquarius." The world has tried for so long using so many different methods to achieve this "higher state of consciousness." In the 60's, they used LSD, and it was aliens appearing in people's bedrooms that told them to do it. Now we're looking to nature and the "stillness within" to find what "life" wants to speak into us.

For those of you who - like Oprah Winfrey - are seeking that realm of "enlightenment" in this life, I have some bad news for you. There is no "higher state of consciousness" until you reach Heaven, and the Bible is very plain about how we get there. Jesus said in John 14:4, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (*) Peter said in 1 Peter 2:11, "Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul." Anything we strive for in this life that only benefits "me" is what the Bible refers to as "fleshly lusts." They have no place in Heaven, and Heaven is our goal. Our primary focus in this life should be to glorify the Godhead Trinity, to make Heaven our future home, and to take as many people with us as we can.

Our hope isn't in anything this life has to offer. Paul said that if those who have received Christ have hope in this life alone, "we are of all men most miserable" (I Corinthians 15:19). We are - as Peter said in the scripture above - strangers in this life. We have something far greater to achieve than anything here.

Look around you at all the wonderful things that God has created. Look at the flower that Mr. Eckhart Tolle spoke of in his book A New Earth. God created those things for our enjoyment, but there is a catch. It is all temporary. Everything around you - including the body you inhabit - is one day going to fade away like a vapor in the breeze. When it does, what will you be left with?

Your "higher state of consciousness" that you think you are achieving is the very same higher level of awareness that the serpent promised Eve in the Garden of Eden, and what did she gain from it? Let me answer that. She and Adam got kicked out of the garden and began the process we now begin from the moment of our birth - the process of dying.

Stop looking at what is temporary and strive for what is real. All that is real is what is beyond this life, and you have two choices there: Heaven or hell. If you want to make it to Heaven, there is only one way to get there. You must confess to Jesus that you are a sinner, and you must believe and confess that He died to pay the price for your sin and rose again to make intercession to the Father for you. Ask His forgiveness for all you have done wrong and let Him come in and become the Lord of your life. Your only other option is hell. Jesus wasn't open-minded about that. He was very clear, and He gave His life to seal it in His own blood.

There are those who would like to believe that Jesus is not the only way to Heaven - that there are many roads. I have news for you. You are sadly mistaken. Jesus gave His life to pave our way to Heaven. Can you say that for any of your so-called "teachers"? In fact, not only did Jesus give His life to pave our way, but He came back from the dead and personally continued the ministry that He began. If you don't believe me, why don't you call up the dead spirits of the apostles who witnessed His resurrection and died as martyrs preaching His resurrection? Nobody else has paid the price that Jesus paid to call Himself the only way to God. Jesus the Christ, the Messiah, has given and proven far more than any of your so-called "teachers" ever will. He - and He alone - has earned the right to say, "No one can come to God except through Me."

(*) All scriptures are quoted from the King James Version of the Bible.

1 comment:

CEO said...

what do you mean I am being mislead...

please explain

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